The Palatine Pirate Boosters

invite you to our first


Pirate Booty Dash

Virtual 5K Walk/Run



Tickets are still available! 

Register yourself or your whole family. 



April 5 through April 18


Wherever you want

because this is a virtual 5K.

Or received use our mapped out race routes.


Anyone who wants to participate

Our virtual 5K is open to all ages


Click here or on "Buy Tickets" at the

top of this page to register.


Don't forget to purchase your 50/50 Raffle tickets

and check out the Catalog for all the Auction Items.

Bidding runs through April 5-18.  



Event Info

April 5, 2021
2:00 PM (CDT)


Thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

Captain - $500

Captain - $400

Captain - $300

Swashbuckler - $200

Buccaneer - $99

Buccaneer - $50